Our Services

What We Do / How It Works

Stage 1:

Forward your credit reports.

After signing up, you will begin by forwarding to us your credit reports from the three major credit bureaus. If you do not have your reports, we can help you purchase one instantly. With each cycle, you should receive updated reports from the bureaus. It is important to forward each updated report to us so we can track which questionable items were deleted.

Stage 2:

Choose which items to question.

Once your credit reports are received, our staff enters the information into our database. Using our online Case Valet, you then choose how to challenge your questionable listings. Sound complicated? Not to worry, our easy-to-use wizard makes this step a simple matter of pointing and clicking with your mouse.

Stage 3:

We work your case.

We begin the dispute process by drawing upon our vast arsenal of credit report repair strategies to challenge questionable items directly with the credit bureaus. Depending on the number of questionable items on your credit reports, this step will be repeated for each subsequent cycle.

Stage 4:

Sit back and relax.

The credit bureaus have 30 days to investigate your dispute. After that, they must inform you of their results and send you a copy of your updated report. It usually takes 60 days from the day we send a dispute to the day you receive an updated report. When you receive a response from a bureau, make a copy of the updated report for your records then send the original to us. The cycle begins anew, this time hopefully with fewer questionable items on your credit reports.